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Dec 20, 2022
The DEAR MAN Method: How to Communicate Effectively and Assertively
If you feel like you have difficulties asking for what you want, expressing how you feel, or speaking up your mind, read on.

Nov 15, 2022
Mindfulness meditation for anxiety – new research.
What people often think is that the only choice they have to treat anxiety is between pills and psychotherapy. But there's more!

Nov 5, 2022
“Wherever You Go, There You Are” – science behind meditation.
“Meditation is complete, unbiased attention to the current moment.”
The long-term effects of meditation form a long list.

Apr 7, 2021
Self-care vs self-maintenance. What's the difference?
Self-care is what we do for ourselves, our ability to take care of ourselves and maintain our overall well-being.

Sep 26, 2020
The Imposter Syndrome doesn’t just go away. Here’s what you need to know.
Imposter Syndrome thrives on anxiety and comparisonitis. To work with it we need a deeper awareness of who we are and what we do,

Aug 21, 2020
About the stories we tell ourselves, and how therapy might help you.
What do we do in therapy? We take a closer look at the stories that people tell themselves. Stories that are harmful and often untrue.

May 24, 2020
Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? 30 signs that might mean you are.
HSP is about Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), or environmental sensitivity (ES) – a biologically-based trait. And it's ca 20% of us.

Apr 7, 2020
How to prepare for an online psychotherapy session.
The recent pandemic is the reason why online psychotherapy became more and more common, and accessible in the comfort of your home.

Mar 14, 2020
Ways to deal with anxiety. Not only in times of pandemic.
Dealing with anxiety is not at all easy even when everything is “normal” in the world. And especially when it's far from that.
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